Jennifer Austin
- Professor of Instruction
- Mathematics

Contact Information
Jennifer K. Mann Austin, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Instruction and Undergraduate Mathematics Faculty Advisor at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Austin chairs the Mathematics Undergraduate Studies Committee and the Mathematics College Readiness Committee and serves on various departmental, college, and university committees focused on undergraduate education. She helped establish and is now the faculty sponsor for the UT Austin Student Chapter of the Association of Women in Mathematics. Additionally, she serves as the faculty sponsor for the UT Math Club. Fulfilling her passion for outreach, Dr. Austin co-organizes the Mathematics Teachers' Circle of Austin, volunteers for CNS Admissions events, CNS Family Day, and Explore UT, leads Girl Scout Troop 11235, and serves as a VBC Science Leader. Dr. Austin's passion for knots began during her childhood when she tied and untied macroscopic, practical knots on a farm in rural West Tennessee and at Girl Scout Camp Hazlewood.Dr. Austin's passion for knots began during her childhood when she tied and untied macroscopic, practical knots on a farm in rural West Tennessee and at Girl Scout Camp Hazlewood.
As a biomedical mathematics doctoral student, Dr. Austin was jointly advised by Professor De Witt L. Sumners at The Florida State University and Professor E. Lynn Zechiedrich at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.
Undergraduate Mathematics Faculty Advisor, Mathematics Undergraduate Studies Committee Chair
Dr. Austin’s interests include undergraduate mathematics education, mathematical outreach, inquiry-based learning, geometry, topology, knot theory, biomedical applications of mathematics, DNA topology, and protein-DNA interactions.
Information for Math Majors
To schedule an advising appointment with Dr. Austin please email the Math, Physics, and Astronomy Advising Center at
Letter of Recommendation Request
Being a Math Major at UT Austin
UT Mathematics Undergraduate Program
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Professional Societies & Institutes
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American Mathematical Society (AMS)
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Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB)
Society of Actuaries (SOA)
Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Mathematical Sciences Institutes funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBios)
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS)
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI)
Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS)
Being a Mathematician
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Internship Resources
Internships in Mathematics
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Summer Opportunities in Mathematics
Research Experience for Undergraduates - REU Programs are summer programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). REUs usually consist of two parts: intensive study of topics through lecture and interaction, and student research on a question/questions. Travel costs are paid for as well as room and board. A stipend is given to participants. These are all available on a competitive basis.
Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute This intensive eight-week summer research experience for undergraduates in Tempe, Arizona prepares promising young scientists interested in working at the interface of mathematics, statistics, and the natural and social sciences for the rigors of graduate studies. MTBI is a research experience for undergraduates (REU); it is not an internship, nor will students earn college credit for participation.
International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) The International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program supports the development of globally-engaged U.S. science and engineering students capable of performing in an international research environment at the forefront of science and engineering. The IRES program supports active research participation by students enrolled as undergraduates or graduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. IRES projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the IRES program.
Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute - Held at the Center for Nonlinear Analysis at Carnegie Mellon University, in addition to a stipend participants receive credit from Carnegie Mellon for this 7-week learning and research experience.
Park City Math Institute Summer Program for Undergraduates - A 3-week summer program where students learn about an advanced topic and work on an individual project.
Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) Summer Program - This program involves applied mathematics problems from industry.
University of Nebraska Summer IMMERSE Program - A six-week summer program to help prepare students who are about to enter graduate school in mathematics.
EDGE Summer Program for Women - For women who are entering graduate school or who have completed one year of graduate studies.
Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program The Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program (FUSRP) welcomes carefully selected undergraduate students from around the world for a rich mathematical research experience in July and August.
The SMALL Undergraduate Research Project is a nine-week residential summer program in which undergraduates investigate open research problems in mathematics. One of the largest programs of its kind in the country, SMALL is supported in part by a National Science Foundation grant for Research Experiences for Undergraduates and by the Science Center of Williams College. Around 500 students have participated in the project since its inception in 1988.
Summer@ICERM program at Brown University is an eight-week residential program designed for a select group of 18-22 undergraduate scholars.
The MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP) is a comprehensive summer program designed for undergraduate students who have completed two years of university-level mathematics courses and would like to conduct research in the mathematical sciences
Summer Statistics Institute UT's Summer Statistics Institute (SSI) offers intensive four-day workshops on diverse topics from introductory data sciences to advanced statistics. Whether you are new to data analysis or a seasoned statistician, SSI provides a unique hands-on opportunity to acquire valuable skills directly from experts in the field. The UT Summer Statistics Institute (SSI) is open to 700 participants.
Moncrief Undergraduate Summer Internship The Moncrief Undergraduate Summer Internship Program is organized to provide summer support for qualified undergraduate students of mathematics, science, and engineering to work within the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences during the summer months. Interns work with faculty and research staff from one of the Oden Institute's 21 research centers and groups on one of a wide range of research topics. Research activities generally focus on developing modeling and simulation methods to study problems in areas such as energy, advanced materials, biomedical research, nanomanufacturing, and related areas that draw on applied and computational mathematics, computing, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, mathematical physics, and biology.
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AMS' Applying to Graduate School
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- Doctorate in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics at The Florida State University
- The University of South Alabama, and a Master of Science in Biomedical Mathematics
- Master of Science in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics at The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee
Austin, Z. H. and Austin, J. K. "Math Girl Solves the Pattern," Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Volume 11 Issue 2 (July 2021), pages 298-300.
“Requesting Letters of Recommendation.” e-Mentoring Network in the Mathematical Sciences, American Mathematical Society, 27 Sept. 2018, Jennifer Austin,
Topological Information Embodied in Local Juxtaposition Geometry Provides a Statistical Mechanical Basis for Unknotting by Type-2 DNA Topoisomerases, Zhirong Liu, Jennifer K. Mann, E. Lynn Zechiedrich and Hue Sun Chan, (2006) J Mol Biol 361, 268-285.
Hin-Mediated DNA Knotting and Recombination Promote Replicon Dysfunction and Mutation, Richard W. Deibler*, Jennifer K. Mann*, De Witt L. Sumners and E. Lynn Zechiedrich. (2007) BMC Mol Biol 8:44 (25 May 2007). (*The first two authors contributed equally to this work.)
- Center for Teaching & Learning, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 2022-2023 Colleague Connections
- CNS' Visualizing Science 2022: Illuminating the Intrinsic Beauty in Academic Research, Facebook Favorite, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 2022
- Transformational Online Instruction Contributions (TONIC) Award, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 2021
- John R. Durbin Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 2020
- College of Natural Sciences Faculty Advisor Award, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 2016
- Great Ideas in Mathematics Course Development Grant, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 2015
- College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 2013
- Research Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellowship in Topology, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, 2007-2010
- Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology Predoctoral Fellowship, Burroughs Wellcome Fund Interfaces Program, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, 1999-2007