Mirela Ciperiani
- Associate Professor
- Mathematics
Frank E. Gerth III Faculty Fellowships (Holder)

Contact Information
Mirela Çiperiani is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at The University of Texas at Austin. She earned her Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2006 under the supervision of Andrew Wiles. Her research interests lie in algebraic number theory and arithmetic algebraic geometry.
Çiperiani's mathematical interests lie in algebraic number theory and arithmetic algebraic geometry.
Research Areas
- Mathematics
Fields of Interest
- Number Theory
- Algebra
- Ph.D., Princeton University (2006)
Local points of supersingular elliptic curves on Zp-extensions, in preparation.
Local-global trace questions and twists of genus one curves (with E. Ozman), preprint.
p-adic heights of Heegner points and -adic regulators (with J. Balakrishnan and W. Stein), submitted.
Weil–Chatelet divisible elements in Tate–Shafarevich groups II: On a question of Cassels (with J. Stix), "to appear in Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. "
Galois sections for abelian varieties over number fields (with J. Stix), submitted.
Weil–Chatelet divisible elements in Tate–Shafarevich groups I: Bashmakov’s problem for elliptic ˆcurves over Q (with J. Stix), to appear in Compositio Mathematica.
Relative Brauer groups of genus 1 curves (with D. Krashen), Israel Journal of Mathematics 192 (2012), 921–949.
Tate-Shafarevich groups in anticyclotomic Zp-extensions at supersingular primes, Compositio Mathematica 145 (2009), 293–308.
Solvable points on genus one curves (with A. Wiles), Duke Mathematical Journal 142 (2008), no. 3, 381–464.
- Spring 2011 College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award.
- 2000- Member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the Sigma Xi Society, the AMS and AWM.