Colloquium Talk

Vlad Vicol
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Vlad Vicol of NYU
Cost: Free
Join us for an analysis seminar on Anomalous Diffusion.


Anomalous diffusion is the fundamental ansatz of phenomenological theories of passive scalar turbulence. As with the anomalous dissipation of kinetic energy in a turbulent fluid, the anomalous dissipation of passive scalar variance in a turbulent flow, as the Reynolds and Peclet numbers diverge, has been confirmed numerically and experimentally to an extraordinary extent. A satisfactory theoretical explanation of this phenomenon is however not available. 
In this talk, I will discuss a joint work with Scott Armstrong in which we construct a class of incompressible vector fields that have many of the properties observed in a fully turbulent velocity field, and for which the associated scalar advection-diffusion equation generically displays anomalous diffusion. We also propose an analytical framework in which to study anomalous diffusion, via a backward cascade of renormalized eddy viscosities. Our proof is by "fractal" homogenization, that is, we perform a cascade of homogenizations across arbitrarily many length scales.


PMA 5.104

