Do exotic symmetries of 4-manifolds survive stabilisation?

A graphic of a blue torus
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Patrick Orson of Cal Poly
Cost: Free
In 4-manifold topology, differences between the smooth and topological categories often “dissolve” after stabilisation by connected sum with enough copies of S2xS2


In 4-manifold topology, differences between the smooth and topological categories often “dissolve” after stabilisation by connected sum with enough copies of S2xS2. I will discuss recent joint work exploring whether this holds for the mapping class group of a 4-manifold: if two self-diffeomorphisms are topologically isotopic, are they always smoothly isotopic, after stabilisation? We produce general conditions on the fundamental group that guarantee the answer is indeed “yes”. On the other hand, by weakening the initial hypothesis to topologically pseudo-isotopic, we produce examples where the answer is “no”. This is joint with Mark Powell and Oscar Randal-Williams.


PMA 12.166

