Undergraduate Employment

The Department of Mathematics hires undergraduates for grader and course assistant positions.


Undergraduate Course Assistant Jobs

Selection Criteria

  • Undergraduate majors who have received excellent grades in M 408C and D (or equivalents) and in any upper-division mathematics courses taken.
  • Undergraduate majors who have completed their Freshman year.
  • Enrolled in minimum 12 academic credit hours for the semester. Seniors enrolled in their last semester before graduating are exempt from this requirement.
  • Student must be located in Austin.

Eligibility Considerations/Requirements

  • Undergraduate assistants must be working toward their first degree and be registered for 12 hours in the semester in which they are employed. Seniors in their last semester before graduating may be enrolled in less than 12 hours if fewer hours are required to graduate.
  • All new UGCAs must present proof of eligibility for employment by completing Employee Onboarding Tasks in Workday. Tasks will be available for you to complete via Workday upon acceptance of employment. A criminal background check is conducted for all new university employees. 
  • UGCA positions are open to work-study student candidates. If you have been awarded work-study, you will need to provide your work-study award verification after accepting a UGCA position offer.
  • Students on Probation can not be hired, regardless of having high grades in Mathematics.
  • Students who have been held in violation of University Standards of Conduct may not be eligible.

For new UT employees and returning employees after a break in service, you will be required to complete forms and present physical, original documentation that establishes your eligibility to work in the United States within the first three days of your employment. See a list of acceptable documents for this process.


Learn more about job duties for Undergraduate Course Assistants.

Submit your application

Applications do not close for undergraduate course assistant positions. However, it is recommended to submit your application at least a month before the semester starts.


If you submit an application and anything changes, please notify us as soon as possible, so we can change or cancel your application. If you have any questions or are a graduating senior who will be enrolled in less than 12 hours, please contact Peter Corrao.

APPly Today

Undergraduate Grader Jobs

The Mathematics Department hires qualified undergraduate students to assist with grading.  This includes homework assignments and quizzes based on homework assignments.  Graders may not grade midterm or final exams nor hold office hours.

The position receives supervision and mentoring by either faculty member or designated TA to ensure accurate and fair grading. 

The job is very flexible and can be performed wherever you feel you work successfully and does not attend or interact with the courses directly.

Selection Criteria

  • Undergraduate majors who have received excellent grades previously in the course being applied for as a grader.
  • Enrolled in a minimum of 12 academic credit hours for the semester. Seniors enrolled in their last semester before graduating are exempt from this requirement.
  • Student must be located in Austin.
  • Undergraduate majors who have completed their Freshman year.

Eligibility Considerations/Requirements

  • All new Graders must present proof of eligibility for employment by completing Employee Onboarding Tasks in Workday. Tasks will be available for you to complete via Workday upon acceptance of employment. A criminal background check is conducted for all new university employees. 
  • Grader positions are open to work-study student candidates. If you have been awarded work-study, you will need to provide your work-study award verification after accepting a grader position offer.

For new UT employees and returning employees after a break in service, you will be required to complete forms and present physical, original documentation that establishes your eligibility to work in the United States within the first three days of your employment. See a list of acceptable documents for this process.

Learn more about job duties for Undergraduate Graders.

Submit your application

Applications do not close for undergraduate grader positions. However, it is recommended to submit your application at least a month before the semester starts.

If you submit an application and anything changes, please notify us as soon as possible, so we can change or cancel your application. If you have any questions or are a graduating senior who will be enrolled in less than 12 hours, please contact Peter Corrao.

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